Sunday, November 05, 2006


"Some Moments in Life you Just want to Delete”

Itulah salah satu tag line nya film terbarunya Adam Sandler, ‘CLICK’. Comedy film tapi sarat akan makna…

When remote begins creating its own memory and choosing what to fast-forwad over, Adam sees how much of his personal life passed him and realizes the importance of spending more time with his family.

Dari film ini gw diingatkan bahwa family have to come first, karir ‘n duit bukan segala-galanya (seems so classic yach), tapi itulah hidup sering kita pengen untuk me-rewind kenangan-kenangan indah, slow moving-kan saat-saat qta liburan, mute saat qta mendengar omelan dari bos, ataupun meng-skip atau bahkan mendelete kenangan-kenangan buruk.

So what ever it will be, life must go on…so enjoy your life !

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